Wife: Why are

Wife: Why are
Wife: Why are you home so early? Husband: My boss told me to go to hell.

Jan, 17 2012     72 chars (1 sms)     759 views       Jokes > English Jokes

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A Gujju boy fillin an application form Gets confused n asks dad:whats MOTHER TONGUE ?dad said: VERY LONG.
Why dogs don't marry? A: Because they are already leading a dog's life!
A woman was sitting at a bar when a man approached her and said, Hi, sweetie! Want a little company? Woman: Why? Do u have one to sell???
Customer: Waiter, what's the meaning of this fly in my tea up? Waiter: I wouldn't know sir, I'm a waiter, not a fortune teller.
Why do u take your wife 2 night clubs only?Laloo-By the time she gets ready no othr place is open
Frnd1: u have married with 1 of the twin sisters, how do u recognize ur wife? Frnd2: why should I ? : )
Q:There is always a sign board'DRIVE SLOWLY' near school,bt never near girls college.Why? Ans:BECAUSE HERE VEHICLES AUTOMATICALLY GET SLOW!
Man: Whisper those three words that will make me walk on air. Woman: Go hang yourself
College Joke of the year:Lecture"Ur head is full of cow dung.."Student: "Oh, that's why, u eat my head everyday."-
What is the next thing a Man should do after winning an argument wit his Wife ?...........Apologise
Principal 2 students:U people must sleep atleast 7 hours a day.Students:Impossible sir!College is only for 6 hours!
Man-i want a divorce. My wife hasnt spoken 2 me for six months now! Judge-better think it over! Wives like that are hard 2 get!