Q:Why most men

Q:Why most men
Q:Why most men prefer to kiss women's lips? Ans:Thats the best & probably the only way to shut a woman's mouth.

Jan, 17 2012     111 chars (1 sms)     754 views       Jokes > English Jokes

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Wife: Why are you home so early? Husband: My boss told me to go to hell.
A Student goes into a library & asks for a book on suicide..! Librarian: "Get lost dude, U won't bring it back.
Why does history keep repeating it self? Because we weren't listening the first time !
Teacher:2rrow thr ll b a lecture on D Sun.U must all attend Raju:I'll nt b able 2 mak it Sir.Teachr:y?Raju:Mom ll nt let me go so far
Dad:Why aren't you doing well in history?Pappu:Because the Teacher keeps on asking things that happened before my birth
He said... Do u love me just coz my father left me a fortune? She said... No stupid, I'd love u no matter who left you the money!
A cop stops a drunk man and asks: Where you going? I'm going to listen the lecture about the harm of the drunkenness and alcoholism. At night? And who will give a lecture?My wife and mother-in-law!
Physics teachr saw boy slepin Askd "Telme da unit f power" Boy woke up n said-"What sir?" Teachr exclaimd"Ok Gud Sit Down!" What=WATT!
Hus: Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It is Without Information, Fighting Everytime! WIFE: No darling, its : With Idiot For Ever
somu:mobile bill kitna hai? Callcentre gal:just dial 123 to knw ur current bill status. somu:abe Stupid current ka nahi mobile ka.
Husband:You know,our son got his brain from me...............Wife:I think he did,I still got mine with me!!!
Movie director:in this scene u jump from 10th floor. Actor:what if i die? director:Dats not at all a problem,It"s da last scene