Thedifficult part in

Thedifficult part in
Thedifficult part in an argument is not to defend one's opinion, but rather toknow it.

Jan, 21 2012     86 chars (1 sms)     649 views       Quotes

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Artists can color the sky red because they know its blue.those of us who are not artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we are stupid.
The laws of life are founded on necessity, its charms on the non-essentials.
No onecan persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that canonly be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either byargument or emotional appeal.
Quarrelsend, but words once spoken never die.
Optimists and pessimists have one fault in common: they are afraid of the truth.
Younever really understand a person until you consider things from his point ofview.
A newbroom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners.
Virtue is more clearly shown in the performance of fire actions than in the non-preformance of base ones.
Some People strengthen the society just by being the kind of people they are.
Beholdthe turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.
Failingto plan is planning to fail.
Youcan't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come toyou. You have to go to them sometimes.