Qu - What makes

Qu - What makes
Qu - What makes a man think about Candlelight Dinner?Ans - Power Failure

Jan, 13 2012     72 chars (1 sms)     801 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Luv and Kuch are going to a village & in between comes A well. Luv falls into the well. Why??? Because Luv (love) is blind !!!!! Now , Kuch also jumps inside. Why?? Because Luv ke liye saala kuch bhi karega!!!!
Ur very specil for me, i'm very concerned abt ur safety . But i can't be with u always . So please , take care me yourself when u Jump from 1 Tree 2 another!
For Heart Beat U Need Heart Fr Heart U Need Happiness Fr Happiness U Need Friendship Fr Friendship U Need Me
TRUE FACT:NOBEL PRIZE is not given for MATHS BECAUSE,ALFRED NOBEL's wife ran away with a MATHS PROFESSOR... Funny but Fact...!
How to catch squirrels? Its simple.. First climb tree, Second Wait there! Squirrels will come in search of you! Coz they love Nutz!
When sadness fills ur heart.. When tears flow in ur eyes.. Always remember 3 things..1. Im wit u2. U have money3. Bar is open.So lets go..
Wats d diff btwn Pongal n idly?think.think..think...U ll get a holiday for pongal but not for idly.
ek din Tarzan Jangal me ja raha tha usne maraa huaa cheeta dekha or bola oh my God MY New under wear
When u feel sad.... To cheer up just go to the mirror and say, "damn I am really so cute" u will overcome your sadness. But don't make this a habit..... Coz liars go to hell !!!!
I finally got my past, present and future tenses correct today. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever!
Teachers are those who help us in resolving problems which, without them, we wouldn't have.
Think well, Plan well, Do well, Sleep well, Play well, Laugh well and Put ur mobile also into well, Bcoz ur not Messaging me Well