If you are patient

If you are patient
If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

Jan, 21 2012     82 chars (1 sms)     687 views       Quotes

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No manever did a designed injury to another, but at the same time he did a greaterto himself .
Ninety-ninepercent of all problems in communications start with misunderstandings whichdevelop as a result of differing viewpoints and conditioning.
Two prisonerswhose cells adjoin communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. Thewall is the thing which separates them but is also their means ofcommunication. It is the same with us and God. Every separation is a link.
He that is unkind to his own will not be kind to others.
My Strength is made perfect in weakness
When you hear the word 'Invietable' watch out! An enemy of humanity has identified himself.
A fly beforehis own eye is bigger than an elephant in the next field.
Thefirst principle of contract negotiation is don'tremind them of what you did in the past; tell them what you're going to do inthe future.
The means by which we live have outdistanced the ends forwhich we live. Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We haveguided missiles and misguided men.
Neverdoubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change theworld. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Listening,not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.
Consistencyis the hobgoblin of little minds.