Sam to Ram:Did

Sam to Ram:Did
Sam to Ram:Did U kill mosquitoes?Yes.But why they still bite me at night?They must be widows of the dead ones.

Jan, 17 2012     110 chars (1 sms)     726 views       Jokes > English Jokes

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Husband:You know,our son got his brain from me...............Wife:I think he did,I still got mine with me!!!
Q: What did the gangster's son tell his dad when he failed his examination? A: Dad they questioned me for 3 hours but I never told them anything
Why do bosses prefer round table conferences? So that no1 can corner them.
What is D diff. betwn a Secretary&a Personal Secretary? Secretary says,"Good Morning Sir"&Personal Secretary says,"Oh my God!Its morninG sir.
Two friends, who hadn't seen each other in several years, met on the street. "Who are you working for now?" asked the first. "Same people," answered the other. "My wife and four children."
There was this lover who said that he would go through hell for her. They got married - now he is going through Hell!!!
Driver:is der no tree on dis road?Passengr:Sir,u r so great,I lik ur social mind.Drivr:Stupid,bus's brake has failed
Q: If a Devil catches your wife, what will you do? A: You can do nothing...if the devil has done the MISTAKE, he has to face the CONSEQUENCES!!
Teacher:The best way to double the money in stock market!Student:Invest 4 times the money!!---
T'CHER:What do we do with crude oil?S'dent:Teach it some manners
Technical question: Where u can find mangoes? it is nt in mango tree wrong.. Ans: where WOMENgoes there MANgoes
Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why? Husband: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears. Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful am I for you? Husband: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, “What other problem can there be greater than this one?”