History repeats itself.

History repeats itself.
History repeats itself. that's one of the things wrong with history

Jan, 21 2012     67 chars (1 sms)     898 views       Quotes

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Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbour.
Religion is behaviour and not mere belief.
The measure of a man is what he does with power.
Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.
Peoplewho are only good with hammers see every problem as a nail.
One should never rub bottoms with a porcupine.
Earnest people are often people who habitually look on the serious side of things that have no serious side
Tolerance that accepts merits as the most natural thing in World is the highest applause.
A happy home is one in which each spouse grants the possiblility that the other may be right, though neither believes it.
Theshallower the brook, the more it babbles.
The warexisting between the senses and reason.
No man is the whole himself; his friends are the rest of him.