Past time is only e

Past time is only e
Past time is only eviil at a distance.

Jan, 21 2012     38 chars (1 sms)     710 views       Quotes

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Standingin the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by thetraffic from both sides.
As we grow old...the beauty steals inwards.
Keep things informal. Talking is the natural way to do business. Writing is greatfor keeping records and putting down details, but talk generates ideas. Greatthings come from our luncheon meetings which consist of a sandwich, a cup ofsoup, and a good idea
Onlywhen you can be extremely pliable and soft can you be extremely hard andstrong.
Mandoes not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eatthem.
Beautifullight is born of darkness, so the faith that springs from conflict is oftenthe strongest and the best.
Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength andpotency to accomplish something. It is the vital energy to make choices anddecisions. It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habitsand to cultivate higher, more effective ones.
Don'tthrow out the baby with the bath water.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but bystriking true.
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives Ideas have endurance without death.
We ownalmost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed but to those who havediffered.
Only the educated are free.