The amount of

The amount of
The amount of effort put into a campaign by a worker expands in proportion to the personal benefits that he will derive from his party's victory.

Jan, 21 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     810 views       Quotes

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Talent alonewon't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the righttime, unless you are ready. The most important question is: 'Are you ready?'
I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
Talkingjaw-jaw is always better than war-war.
A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.
It iswith our brothers and sisters that we learn to love, share, negotiate, startand end fights, hurt others, and save face. The basis of healthy (orunhealthy) connections in adulthood is cast during childhood.
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetitionimpresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but bystriking true.
Muchtalking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune.The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, flyfreely about.
To exaggrerate is to weaken.
The purpose of getting power is to be able to give itaway.
All mankind is divided into three classes: those who are immovable; those who are movable; and those who move.
There may be said to be two classes of people in the world: those who constantly divide the people of the world into two classes and those who do not.