Lower your voice

Lower your voice
Lower your voice and strengthen your argument.

Jan, 20 2012     46 chars (1 sms)     668 views       Quotes

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The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mould of the body and mind entire.
Aperson whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow anelephant.
Power, however it has evolved, whatever its origins, willnot be given up without a struggle.
Thetrouble with talking too fast is you may say something you haven't thought ofyet.
I have oftenregretted my speech, never my silence.
What isthe shortest word in the English language that contains the letters: abcdef? Answer: feedback. Don't forget that feedback isone of the essential elements of good communication.
Youdon't run twenty-six miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secretrecipe.
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't care. Momentum is wht it wants to gather.
To know how to free oneself is nothing: the arduous thing is to know what to do with one's freedom.
Life cannot go on without much forgetting.
There are three ways of bearing ills of life: by indifference, by philosophy, and by religion.
He that is unkind to his own will not be kind to others.