Thedeeper the waters

Thedeeper the waters
Thedeeper the waters are, the more still they run.

Jan, 20 2012     50 chars (1 sms)     701 views       Quotes

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Onemust talk little and listen much.
Reason is my philosophy, is only a harmony among irrational impulses.
Sparrows who emulate peacocks are likely to break a thigh.
Whenpeople say women can’t be trusted because they cycle every month, myresponse is that men cycle every day, so they should only be allowed tonegotiate peace treaties in the evening.
When regard for truth has been broken down or evenslightly weakened, all things will remain doubtful.
He that is unkind to his own will not be kind to others.
When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry ahundred.
Blessed are they who have nothing to say and who cannot be persuaded to say it.
When work is pleasure, life is joy.
One hallmark of freedom is the sound of laughter.
I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
Keep inmind that the better you understand what you want and why you want it, thebetter your chances will be of acquiring it.