The more we see

The more we see
The more we see, the more we shall be able to imagine, and the more we imagine, the more we must think we see.

Jan, 21 2012     110 chars (1 sms)     641 views       Quotes

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People whoare too concerned with how well they are doing will be less successful andfeel less competent than those who focus on the task itself... Somepsychologists call it a conflict between egoorientation, or between extrinsicand intrinsic motivation...
Experience keeps a dear school, but tools will learn in no other.
The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking
There is no knowledge that is not power.
History repeats itself. that's one of the things wrong with history
Buyingis cheaper than asking.
It'swhen you're safe at home that you wish you were having an adventure. When you'rehaving an adventure you wish you were safe at home.
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer cell.
Listeningwell is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well.
Mandoes not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eatthem.
Few things are harder to pus up with than the annoyance of a good example.
Why don'tyou want to do what you know you should do? The reason you don't is thatyou're in conflict with yourself.