Q:Define a true

Q:Define a true
Q:Define a true music lover? Ans: a girl is singing in bathroom while taking bath & a boy near the keyhole is using his ears & not his eyes.

Jan, 17 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     830 views       Jokes > English Jokes

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Kid: 'Mom who is God?'Mom:'God is neither male nor fmale,not child,not adult,not blak not white &he loves children'Kid:'Oh! Michael Jakson!'
Husband says"When Im gone you'll nevr find another man like me". Wife replied"What makes you think I'd want another man like you?!!!".
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Girl: Do U love me?Boy:'Ofcourse darling i do. Girl:Wil U luv me after marriage also? Boy:Tht depends on ur husband. If he allows Me 2 luv u.
TEACHER== Name four members of the cat family? STUDENTS== Daddy cat,Mummy cat and two kittens
What do you call a letter delivered from a chimney? A. Black mail
Man Conducting Marketing Survey asked a Lady:"Which Book Has HeLped you most in your Life?"Lady:My Husband's "Cheque Book!"
T'CHER:What do we do with crude oil?S'dent:Teach it some manners