Teacher:I wish

Teacher:I wish
Teacher:I wish you would pay a little attention!Student:I'm paying as little as I can sir

Jan, 17 2012     89 chars (1 sms)     807 views       Jokes > English Jokes

more English Jokes SMS Messages

A cop stops a drunk man and asks: Where you going? I'm going to listen the lecture about the harm of the drunkenness and alcoholism. At night? And who will give a lecture?My wife and mother-in-law!
Height of technical thinking... A software person falling from the roof of a building and shouting F1 F1 F1 instead of help help......!!
What did one magnet say to the other? I find you very attractive.
Dad:Why aren't you doing well in history?Pappu:Because the Teacher keeps on asking things that happened before my birth
Wats d Diff btwn own Wife & Other's Wife..??Own Wife is CHOCLATE can have Any Time..Other's Wife is like ICECREAM should have Immediately
Can I go to the theatre? Asks a mosquito ot her mother. "yes but be aware, pay attention during the applause."
If your wife wants to learn to drive, don't stand in her way.
Girl: Do U love me?Boy:'Ofcourse darling i do. Girl:Wil U luv me after marriage also? Boy:Tht depends on ur husband. If he allows Me 2 luv u.
Son asks father diff.btw Confidence and Confidential? Dad says- u are my son, i am confident, ur friend is also my son that's Confidential
Husband to wife: Why do you keep reading our marriage licence? Wife to Husband: I'm looking for a loophole
I bought my wife a new car. She called and said, "There was water in the carburetor." I asked her, "Where's the car?" She replied,. In the lake."
Teachefour beautiful ladies r walking on the road. Change it to Exclamatory sentence... Student: WOW!.