When ur life is in

When ur life is in
When ur life is in darkness pray 2 God ask him 2 free u 4rm darkness & if aftr u pray & u r still in darkness,pls pay ur ELECTRICITY BILL!

Jan, 14 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     780 views       General

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By the time u realise what your parents said was right... U will have a kid who begins to think you are wrong
We've known each other for quite a while now, do u think we can b more than friends? cos i like u very much. will u b my partner 2 rob a bank?
Don't marry the one u want to live with,but marry the one u can't live without
Hazaro Ladkiya Aati HE Hazaro Hi Jati HE Hazaro Hasati HE Hazaro Hi Rulati HE Lekin My Dear Sath Vahi Nibhati HeJo"DOLI"MeBaith K Aati He.
Everybody wants someone Special, Someone Nice, Someone thought ful, Someone honest, Someone Cute, Someone perfect, Someone attractive, Why they always call ME!
I Love u.I Love u.I Love uI Love u.I Love u.I Love u.OH SHIT..Oh shit..RASNA bolna to bhool hi gaya I Love u RASNA:
ABCD ATI HAI AGAR ATI BHI HOGI TO AISI NAHI ATI HOGI : A Aristocrat B Bagpiper C Contessa D Director special E Eight Pm F Fun drop G God father H Haywards I Imperial blue J Johnny walker K King fisher L Lime drop M Mughal monarch N Nicolase No. 1 O Old monk P Peter scot R Royal stag S Signature T Teacher's scott U Uni boul V Vat 69 W White hall X XXX rum Y Yankey Z Zingaro Nasha hua ya nahin . . .
Duniya Gol Hai: Chuha Billi se Darta Hai,Billi Kutte se Darti h,Kutta Aadmi se Darta h,Aadmi Apni Biwi se Darta hBiwi Chuhhe se Darti Hai.Duniya Gol Hai
U Look at the Ocean, see GOD's Abundance ! U Look at the Sky, see GOD's Wonder ! U Look at the Moon, see GOD's Glory ! And when U Look at the Mirror, see GOD's BLUNDER
SMILE: S: Sets u free, M: Makes u special, I: Increases ur face value, L: Lifts up ur spirits, E: Erases all ur tensions, So, please keep smiling.