If u hide, i’ll seek 4 u. If u r lost, i’ll search 4 u. If u’ll leave, i’ll wait 4 u. If days take u away 4m me, i’ll fight 4 u. But, if u stop sending msgs, i’ll kill you.
My phone has been injured by HUTCH dog on RELIANCE road near TATA townSo,I have an IDEA to admit it in AIRTEL hospital.Dr.NOKIA say it need sms So,donate sms
Thought for the day , Never cry when you are in LOVE.B’coz for thee one whom you cry, doesn’t deserve your tears.And the one who deserves it, will never let you CRY….
A - U'r Attractive B - U'r D Best C - U'r Cute D - U'r Dear 2 me E - U'r Excellent F - U'r Funny G - U'r Gud Looking H - He He He I - I'm J - Just K - Kidding
Pyar=dukho ka bazar,Premi=dukho ka kharidar,Premika=dukho ki dukandar,Mata-Pita=beech ki diwar,Behen=salahkar,Bhai=peetne ko taiyar!Yahi to haiBiG BAZAR!