Last nite some devils came running 2 my room, they wanted 2 trouble good people. I gave ur name & address. they said, oh no, v cant disturb r BOSS...!!
Thought for the day , Never cry when you are in LOVE.B’coz for thee one whom you cry, doesn’t deserve your tears.And the one who deserves it, will never let you CRY….
Promise me we are true friends.. U r the sky I am the bird. You are the speech I am the word. You are the roti I am Bhaji. I am the joke and you are my sardarji
Its ice crm dayCasata-if luv meCorneto-if bst frnChocobr-if like meButrscotch-if im coolVanila-if im swtChocochip-if im smrt.Rasberry-if im badwHt 4me?