I want u to be with me in a nice restaurant to have candle light dinner n say those three sweet words to you,'pay the bill.' IF U READ THIS,I'M SMART IF U SAVE THIS,U AGREE THAT I'M SMART IF U FORWARD THIS,U R SPREADING THAT I'M SMART AND IF U DELETE THIS,U JEALOUS
Thought for the day , Never cry when you are in LOVE.B’coz for thee one whom you cry, doesn’t deserve your tears.And the one who deserves it, will never let you CRY….
If your legs are paining, don't worry at all. It's B'coz yesterday the whole day u wer running in my mind...! Take rest now.. n b ready 2 Run 2Morrow..
Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy "I LoVe U" to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u"ll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love... """