A motorist hits a sparrow.He tuk d unconscious bird,put in a cage wid bread n water.Bird wakes up,luks around n screamsSALAKHENMyGod,I hv killed d motorist
A depressed person got connected 2 a call center in Pakistan.He said he was on the verge of suicide.They got excited and askd...Can u fly a plane...?!--
Husband & wife are like liver and kidney. Husband is liver & wife kidney. If liver fails, kidney fails. If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.
Sometime my mind asks why I miss you? Why I want to see you? Why I remember you? Then my heart answers it"s simply because............mental patient needs more care.....Ha!Ha!Ha!......."
wen i go wrong , need ur hand 2 correct, wen emotions bust out, need ur hand 2 catch, wen i win, need ur hand 2 pat. in short “YA HATH MUJHE DE DE THAKUR