99 SAAL ka ek aadmi SWARG ki RONAK aur APSARA dekh kar boLaye RAMDEV BABA aur unke PRANAYAAM ke CHAKKAR me NA pada hota to yahan PAHLE hi AA GAYA HOTA.
What men want? A woman who can cook, a woman who earns good money, a woman who loves him & a system to make sure that those women never meet each other.
************** Aapki yaad mein meine kalam uthai, Liya kakaz aur tasveer aapki banai. Socha tha dil se laga ke rakhen us tasveer ko, par vo toh bachcho ko daranye ke kaam aayi. **************
I want to Share Everything with You:Your Joys Your Sadness Your Happy Moments Every Single Second of the Day. Let us START with your ATM PASSWORD first !
U r d 1 whos so smart,U r d 1 whos so charming, U r the one whose so caring,U r the one whose so good looking. And, I'm the one who is spreading these rumors.