A good listener is

A good listener is
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after while he gets to know something.

Jan, 21 2012     90 chars (1 sms)     844 views       Quotes

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A slyrabbit will have three openings to its den.
Badplanning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
Honesty is like an icicle; if once it melts that is theend of it.
How should the lamb negotiate with the lion.
Youdon't run twenty-six miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secretrecipe.
You only have power over people so long as you don't takeeverything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything he's nolonger in your power he's free again.
Make the best use of what is in your power, and take therest as it happens.
In themiddle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
It iswith our brothers and sisters that we learn to love, share, negotiate, startand end fights, hurt others, and save face. The basis of healthy (orunhealthy) connections in adulthood is cast during childhood.
The directuse of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employedonly by small children and large nations.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but bystriking true.
Conflictcan be seen as a gift of energy, in which neither sideloses and a new dance is created.