Enthusiasm is faith

Enthusiasm is faith
Enthusiasm is faith set on fire.

Jan, 21 2012     32 chars (1 sms)     1022 views       Quotes

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We donot have to agree; we do need to understand.
The compromisewill always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it iscompromising.
By tryingoften, the monkey learns to jump from the tree.
We have, I fear, confused power with greatness.
An individual without information can't takeresponsibility. An individual with information can't help but takeresponsibility.
The greatest prayer is patience.
Drowning problems in an ocean of information is not the same as solving them.
Manners make the fortune of the ambitious youth.
Tolerance that accepts merits as the most natural thing in World is the highest applause.
You can not do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is.
A newbroom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners.