Old fools are

Old fools are
Old fools are more foolish than you ones.

Jan, 21 2012     41 chars (1 sms)     822 views       Quotes

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Don't beafraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against, not with, the wind.
We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it
Past time is only eviil at a distance.
I have oftenregretted my speech, never my silence.
Nothing would be done at all if a man waited till he could do it so well that no one could find fault with it
Power takes as ingratitude the writhing of its victims.
Do we wish men to be virtuous? Then let us begin by making them love their country.
Silenceis the ultimate weapon of power.
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolutepowerlessness make you pure?
Alwaysforgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.
Firstkeep the peace within yourself, then you can alsobring peace to others.
Expreince never helps us avoid doing something foolish; it merely prevents us from enjoying it.