The cliche that

The cliche that
The cliche that education never ends virtually ensures that it does'nt begin.

Jan, 21 2012     77 chars (1 sms)     739 views       Quotes

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Theability to speak eloquently is not to be confused with having something tosay.
Whendealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic,but creatures of emotion.
Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time.
Let no one, then think lightly of the world, lest he be despising himself unawares
When work is pleasure, life is joy.
If your desires be endless, your cares and fears will be so too.
Show me a man who cannot bother to do little things andI'll show you a man who cannot be trusted to do big things.
We think too small. Like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.
There is sweet joy that comes to us that comes to us after sorrow.
There are two kind of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. try to be in the first group; there is a less competition there.
A teacher as a person is more important than a teacher as a technician. What he is has more effect than anything he does.
Misfortuneis not that which can be avoided, but that which cannot.