This creative man

This creative man
This creative man, who in his own selfish affairs is a coward to the backbone, will fight for an idea like a hero.

Jan, 21 2012     114 chars (1 sms)     789 views       Quotes

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Neverdoubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change theworld. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Don'tuse a lot where a little will do.
There are questions of real power and then there arequestions of phony authority. You have to break through the phony authorityto begin to fight the real questions of power.
You could forgive an enemy. It is harder to forgive yourself.
Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains.
He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers.
To exaggrerate is to weaken.
Too little liberty brings stagnation, too much brings chaos.
Sometimesone pays most for the things one gets for nothing.
Listening,not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.
Undernormal conditions, most people tend to see what they want to see, hear what theywant to hear, and do what they want to do; in conflicts, their positionsbecome even more rigid and fixed.
Since God made us to be originals, why stoop to be a copy?