If Igive you an idea,

If Igive you an idea,
If Igive you an idea, and you give me an idea, we will each have two ideas.

Jan, 21 2012     75 chars (1 sms)     620 views       Quotes

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Nothing so wonderfully concentrates the mind as theprospect of a hanging.
Folly is perennial and yet the human race has survived
Outside noisy, inside empty.
Do good to your friend to keep him, and to your enemy to make him your freind.
Money is what things run into and people run out of
Deep-seatedpreferences cannot be argued about.
Whenconflict becomes a win-lose contest in our minds, we immediately try to win.
It seemed rather incongruous that in a society of super sophisticatedcommunication, we often suffer from a shortage of listeners.
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
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