
Fortunatelypsychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itselfstill remains a very effective therapist.

Jan, 20 2012     126 chars (1 sms)     762 views       Quotes

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Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbour.
The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.
It's good to shut up sometimes.
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannothurt you.
There ward for always listening when you'd rather be talking is wisdom.
Opportunity may be hard to recognize if you are only looking for a lucky break.
The greatest humiliation in life is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get.
There is a foolish corner in the brain of wisest man.
Real swaraj will come not by the acquisition of authority by a few but by the acquisition of capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused
.Oneshould count each day a separate life.
Whenconflict becomes a win-lose contest in our minds, we immediately try to win.
Conflict is neither good nor bad. Properly managed, it is absolutely vital.