A newbroom sweeps

A newbroom sweeps
A newbroom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners.

Jan, 21 2012     60 chars (1 sms)     647 views       Quotes

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You'vegot to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em know, when to walk away, know when to run.
The compromisewill always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it iscompromising.
Outside noisy, inside empty.
If you wish to make a man your enemy, tell him simply, 'You are wrong.' Thismethod works every time.
Tranquility will roof a house, but discord can wear away the foundation of a city.
When you are feeling stressed and about to breakdown, just remember: STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards.. it's a piece of cake!
Kindwords do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
If your mouth turns into a knife, it will cut off yourlips.
Conflictlies at the core of innovation.
The great despisers are the greater reverers.
Most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believingas we already do.
Goodcommunication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleepafter.