Few things help

Few things help
Few things help an individual more than to placeresponsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him.

Jan, 20 2012     112 chars (1 sms)     701 views       Quotes

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All your fingernails grow with no convenient speed except broken one.
Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax.
Conflictbuilds character. Crisis defines it.
The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me,never say ‘I.’ And that's not because they have trainedthemselves not to say ‘I.’ They don't think ‘I.’ Theythink ‘we’; they think ‘team.’ They understand theirjob to be to make the team function. They
Fortune makes a fool of him whom she favours too much
All mankind is divided into three classes: those who are immovable; those who are movable; and those who move.
Ninety-ninepercent of all problems in communications start with misunderstandings whichdevelop as a result of differing viewpoints and conditioning.
The good things of life are not to be had singly, but come to us with a mixture; like a school boy's holiday, with a task affixed to the tail of it.
Therecan be no doubt that the average man blames much more than he praises. Hisinstinct is to blame. If he is satisfied he says nothing; if he is not, hemost illogically kicks up a row.
A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.
Don'tput all your eggs in one basket.
Thedays are too short even for love; how can there be enough time for quarreling?