He that is

He that is
He that is unkind to his own will not be kind to others.

Jan, 20 2012     56 chars (1 sms)     792 views       Quotes

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The work of an unknown good man is like a vein of water flow hidden underground, secretly making the ground greener.
Power is like being a lady... if you have to tell peopleyou are, you aren't.
It'snot the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes thedifference.
Effectivecommunication is 20 percent what you know and 80 percent how you feel aboutwhat you know.
Power can be taken, but not given. The process of thetaking is empowerment in itself.
Truth is strengthened by observation and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainity.
When the defects of others are percieved with so much clarity, it is because one possesses with oneself.
It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's moretrue that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted byother things than power.
Wisdom is what you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred totalk.
True,Heaven prohibits certain pleasures; but one can generally negotiate acompromise.
In oneof our concert grand pianos, 243 taut strings exert a pull of 40,000 poundson an iron frame. It is proof that out of great tension may come greatharmony.
Fortunatelypsychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itselfstill remains a very effective therapist.