Wife: You always

Wife: You always
Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why? Husband: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears. Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful am I for you? Husband: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, “What other problem can there be greater than this one?”

Jan, 17 2012     344 chars (3 sms)     698 views       Jokes > English Jokes

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Q: If a devil catches your wife, what would you do?A: You can do nothing. if devil has committed a mistake let him face the consequences.
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History Teacher : From where to where did the mughals rule ? Student: Sir, I am not sure but I think from page 15 to 26.
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If your wife wants to learn to drive, don't stand in her way.
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