I bought my wife

I bought my wife
I bought my wife a new car. She called and said, "There was water in the carburetor." I asked her, "Where's the car?" She replied,. In the lake."

Jan, 17 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     708 views       Jokes > English Jokes

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TEACHER== Name four members of the cat family? STUDENTS== Daddy cat,Mummy cat and two kittens
Customer: Waiter, what's the meaning of this fly in my tea up? Waiter: I wouldn't know sir, I'm a waiter, not a fortune teller.
Hello My son won't come to school today,he has fever. Teacher: Oh,who's speaking? Boy: This is my father
Height of technical thinking... A software person falling from the roof of a building and shouting F1 F1 F1 instead of help help......!!
Teacher:I wish you would pay a little attention!Student:I'm paying as little as I can sir
Question Girl : Do you love me ? Boy : Yes Dear Girl : Would you die for me ? Boy : No, mine is undying love!
young girl praying:pls God marry me with intelligent man god replied: thats impossible, because intelligent men don't get married
Teacher:"Now,children,if I saw a man beating a donkey n stopped him,wht virtue wuld I be showing?" Student:"Brotherly love
A cop stops a drunk man and asks: Where you going? I'm going to listen the lecture about the harm of the drunkenness and alcoholism. At night? And who will give a lecture?My wife and mother-in-law!
Principal 2 students:U people must sleep atleast 7 hours a day.Students:Impossible sir!College is only for 6 hours!
Teachefour beautiful ladies r walking on the road. Change it to Exclamatory sentence... Student: WOW!.
Teacher: Sonu, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his? Sonu: No, teacher, it's the same dog