Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy "I LoVe U" to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u"ll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love... """
A famouz quote written at Tokyo buz stand:" Only buz stopz here,not time.So dont wazte your time,keep movin with your dutiez &work,Coz time never waitz"
wherever you go, whatever you do, you know ill always be there for you, so if youre alone , theres no need to fear, just give me a call and u no ill be here!
SmS dosnt mean "SHORT msgin SERVICE" It also means Share My Sweetness Search My Soul Seek My Sweetheart Succeed My Smarty See ME Smilin So Keep SMSING.
Unlike others ur brain is a master piece. It has two halves, the left and the right, the left has nothing right in it and the right has nothing left in it.