Others say life is unfair. Well, it's true. Others are jealous of you. And they really should be. Wanna know why? Hmmm… coz you have a cute text mate like me.
SmS dosnt mean "SHORT msgin SERVICE" It also means Share My Sweetness Search My Soul Seek My Sweetheart Succeed My Smarty See ME Smilin So Keep SMSING.
Duniya Gol Hai: Chuha Billi se Darta Hai,Billi Kutte se Darti h,Kutta Aadmi se Darta h,Aadmi Apni Biwi se Darta hBiwi Chuhhe se Darti Hai.Duniya Gol Hai
Aaj meri SMS FACTRY me IncomeTax ki RED padi Oficr bola-Itna maal produc kr k bhjte ho to TAX nahi bhrte?me bola Maal to jata he mgar payment nahi aata..