Others say life is unfair

Others say life is unfair
Others say life is unfair. Well, it's true. Others are jealous of you. And they really should be. Wanna know why? Hmmm… coz you have a cute text mate like me.

Jan, 14 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     1052 views       General

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How 2 make a kid extremely intelligent smart active sweet lovable & talented??? Jus ask my Parents.:
SmS dosnt mean "SHORT msgin SERVICE" It also means Share My Sweetness Search My Soul Seek My Sweetheart Succeed My Smarty See ME Smilin So Keep SMSING.
Dear MARIE, Yesterday was a very GOOD DAY. Our meeting was TRULY NICE But the chance of success of our love is 50 50.
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Ur eyes Pataka, ur lips Rocket, ur ears Chakri, ur smile Fuljdi, ur style Anar, ur personality Bomb. . Bache nikl le, i'm comin wid MOMBATTI
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9 lessons in life: Learn 2 care, learn 2 smile, learn 2 cry, learn 2 give, learn 2 forgive, learn to share, learn to trust, learn 2 love & learn 2 SMS me DAILY...!!!
This msg. will refresh your brain in 5 seconds. 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... Error : No Brain Detected !!
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Aaj meri SMS FACTRY me IncomeTax ki RED padi Oficr bola-Itna maal produc kr k bhjte ho to TAX nahi bhrte?me bola Maal to jata he mgar payment nahi aata..
New Concept of Life Morning = MANDIR Evening = M_A_D_I_R_A Night = M_A_N_D_I_R_A
Sumtimes I don’t say HI Sumtimes I don’t REPLY Sumtimes I don’t MSG U but dat dosnt mean i 4GOT uBcoz I'm LAZYjust like U.