God made a daylight n is called “SUN”, God made a entertatemaint n is called “FUN”, God made a nightlight n is called “MOON”, God made a U n is called “CARTOON”,
The three dreams of a maN: To become as haNdsome as his mother thiNks., To become as rich as his child believes N have as maNy affairs as the wife suspects.,
Without u ,life is black and white Without u ,the world is no hops no light Without u t can't go left or right Without u i lose my sight Thank u my glasses
See the sky youll see Gods face, see the rain you will dance once again, see the moon you will see the depth of lake. Now see the mirror and youll see the God cutest mistake.
What men want? A woman who can cook, a woman who earns good money, a woman who loves him & a system to make sure that those women never meet each other.