A man is but a

A man is but a
A man is but a product of his thoughts; what he thinks, that he becomes

Jan, 21 2012     71 chars (1 sms)     841 views       Quotes

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Kindwords can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
The hand of liberty is stronger than arms of power.
It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.
When work is pleasure, life is joy.
By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you nearer to God; Nearer than any prayer.
If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.
A roundegg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harshaccording to how you speak them.
Thewill to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.
Beforeyou build a better mousetrap, make sure you have some mice out there.
Being virtuous is no feat once temptation ceases.
Whenmen and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons arealways different.
Charlie Chaplin said"Life laughs at u when u are unhappy Life smiles at u when u are happy But, Life salutes u when u make others happy"
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.