There'sno point in

There'sno point in
There'sno point in arguing with partisan supporters. Their views are their identity.Nothing you can tell the most phlegmatic follower.

Jan, 21 2012     134 chars (1 sms)     638 views       Quotes

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If at first you do succeed, try, try not to be a bore
This creative man, who in his own selfish affairs is a coward to the backbone, will fight for an idea like a hero.
This dualityhas been reflected in classical as well as modern literature as reason versuspassion, or mind versus intuition. The split between the ‘conscious’ mind andthe ‘unconscious.’ There are moments in each of our lives when ourverbal-intellect sugges
Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine thestrongest heads. No man is wise enough, nor good enough to be trusted withunlimited power.
A manneed never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his owndoor.
The darkest hour has only 60 minutes
You can't change people, but you can channel them your way.
Trust begets trust and untrust begets untrust. It'snatural.
Sometimesyou have to be silent to be heard.
Truth is strengthened by observation and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainity.
Thesubconscious part in us is called the subjective mind, because it does notdecide and command. It is subject rather than a ruler. Its nature is to dowhat it is told, or what really in your heart of hearts you desire.
Humour is a hole that lets the sawdust out of a stuffed shirt.