A moment's insight is

A moment's insight is
A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience

Jan, 21 2012     57 chars (1 sms)     841 views       Quotes

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Myinterest is in the future because I'm going to be spending the rest of mylife there.
To exaggrerate is to weaken.
You may give gifts without caring, but you can't care without giving
Onlyfree men can negotiate. Prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedomand mine cannot be separated.
It isimpossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
Forbidden fruit can get us into a real jam.
Alwaysforgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.
He whohurries cannot walk with dignity.
You'rein a much better position to talk with people when they approach you thanwhen you approach them.
Be your own judge and you will be happy.
Byfailing to prepare you are preparing to fail.
Onecomes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whetherthe statement be true or false. It comes to be dominating thought in one'smind.