Adam and Eve had

Adam and Eve had
Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was tht they escaped teething.

Jan, 21 2012     86 chars (1 sms)     894 views       Quotes

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The mostintense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calmthat is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and theirconflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.
Learning is the property of those who fear to do disagreeable things.
A slyrabbit will have three openings to its den.
Aclosed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood.
The greatest prayer is patience.
Between grief and nothing I will take Grief.
Every new adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem.
Better ask ten times than go astray once.
If we shake hands with icy fingures, it is because we have burnt them so horribly before.
Learning must be had, but in the second place, as subsequent only to greater qualities.
Parents these days scarcely bring up children; they finance them.
Neversay more than is necessary.