Adversity attract

Adversity attract
Adversity attracts the man of character. He seeks out the better joy, responsibility.

Jan, 21 2012     85 chars (1 sms)     939 views       Quotes

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The average man’s life consists of: Twenty years of having his mother ask him where he is going, Forty years of having his wife ask the same question; and at the end, the mourners wondering too.
Itis all right if you talk to yourself. It is all right if you answer yourself.But when you start disagreeing with the answers, you've got a problem.
The ruler proclaims the good news himself; he sends the servants out to announce the bad news.
Thehardest step is over the threshold.
Conduct is wise or foolish only in reference to its results.
Too little liberty brings stagnation, too much brings chaos.
Listeningwell is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well.
A peace which depends upon fear is nothing but a suppressed war.
Don't throwout the baby with the bath water.
Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
Power takes as ingratitude the writhing of its victims.
Thecorrect strategy for Americans negotiating with Japanese or other foreignclients is a Japanese strategy:ask questions. When you think you understand, ask more questions. Carefullyfeel for pressure points.If an impasse is reached, don't pressure. Sugges