Be slow of tounge and

Be slow of tounge and
Be slow of tounge and quick of eye.

Jan, 21 2012     35 chars (1 sms)     897 views       Quotes

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Nothingso completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity himself, thanstraightforward and simple integrity in another.
Treatpeople as if they were, what they ought to be andyou help them become what they are capable of being.
The work of an unknown good man is like a vein of water flow hidden underground, secretly making the ground greener.
Most ofour so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believingas we already do.
Those who trust us educate us.
Nothing is a permanent except change.
Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer cell.
Cheat me in the price but not in the goods i purchase.
Thepast is malleable and flexible, changing as our recollection interprets andre-explains what has happened.
A goodplan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the bestway to get there.
Our power is in our ability to decide.
Happiness is the art of making a bouquet of those flowers within reach.