Commitmentin the face

Commitmentin the face
Commitmentin the face of conflict produces character.

Jan, 20 2012     53 chars (1 sms)     796 views       Quotes

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Malice drinketh its own poison.
Tobelieve in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.
Our distrust is very expensive.
Our faults irritate us most when we see them in others.
To know how to free oneself is nothing: the arduous thing is to know what to do with one's freedom.
Greatideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Any man can make mistakes but only an idiot persists in his error.
Thereis no such thing as absolute value in this world. You can only estimate whata thing is worth to 'you.'
To exaggrerate is to weaken.
Let usnever negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
Aquarrel is like buttermilk: once it's out of the churn, the more you shakeit, the more sour it grows.
Mostpeople I ask little from. I try to give them much, and expect nothing inreturn and I do very well in the bargain.