Since God made us

Since God made us
Since God made us to be originals, why stoop to be a copy?

Jan, 21 2012     58 chars (1 sms)     764 views       Quotes

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Words are like spears: Once they leave your lips they can never come back.
Tofight fear, act. To increase fear wait, put off, postpone.
If error is corrected whenever it is recognized as such,the path of error is the path of truth.
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most peoplenever listen.
Nature arms each man with some faculty which enables himto do easily some feat impossible to any other.
Amarriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crises.
Ifyou wish to make a man your enemy, tell him simply, 'You are wrong.' Thismethod works every time.
The art of writing is the art of restraint.
Muchtalking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune.The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, flyfreely about.
It isgreed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all.
As a final incentive before giving up a
If a man speaks or acts with pure thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him