The function of

The function of
The function of genius is to furnish cretins with ideas twenty year later.

Jan, 21 2012     74 chars (1 sms)     792 views       Quotes

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Everyoneis wise until he speaks.
When weblame, we give away our power.
To have a respect for ourselves guides our morals; to have a deference for others governs our manners.
One hallmark of freedom is the sound of laughter.
You only have power over people so long as you don't takeeverything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything he's nolonger in your power he's free again.
It isgreed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all.
Thesubconscious part in us is called the subjective mind, because it does notdecide and command. It is subject rather than a ruler. Its nature is to dowhat it is told, or what really in your heart of hearts you desire.
Whoever does not know the truth is ignorant, but the one who knows the truth but denies is a criminal
The deeper the waters are, the more still they run.
A man who doesn't trust himself can never really trust anyoneelse.
Peoplespend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idledreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill theemptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed tosearch was within.
I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us,that the less we use our power the greater it will be.