Embracingconflict can

Embracingconflict can
Embracingconflict can become a joy when we know that irritation and frustration canlead to growth and fascination.

Jan, 21 2012     114 chars (1 sms)     792 views       Quotes

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Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. -Will Rogers
If youare leaning over to starboard to balance the boat against the other guy'spropensity to lean too far to port, both of you are about to get wet.
Power gravitates to the man who knows how.
Themost prepared are the most dedicated.
Wisdom is what you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred totalk.
One ofthe lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and alwaysa clever thing to say.
DonÆt let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was
Standingin the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by thetraffic from both sides.
Ninety-ninepercent of all problems in communications start with misunderstandings whichdevelop as a result of differing viewpoints and conditioning.
Accomplishmentof purpose is better than making a profit.
Thewill to win is worthless if you do not have the will to prepare.
Beforeyou build a better mousetrap, make sure you have some mice out there.
Beon a horse when you go in search of a better one.