The hand of liberty

The hand of liberty
The hand of liberty is stronger than arms of power.

Jan, 21 2012     51 chars (1 sms)     819 views       Quotes

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A peace which depends upon fear is nothing but a suppressed war.
Conflict is neither good nor bad. Properly managed, it is absolutely vital.
Mostpeople I ask little from. I try to give them much, and expect nothing inreturn and I do very well in the bargain.
Wisdom requires that we pour a little oil of delicate courtesy on the wheels of friendship.
Theultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands.
Adversityis the foundation of virtue.
Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbour.
Tobelieve in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.
Onemight as well try to ride two horses moving in different directions, as totry to maintain in equal force two opposing or contradictory sets of desires.
The World is but, a school of inquiry.
Conflictinvolves incompatible behaviors rather thancompetitive goals.
Hold a true friend with both your hands.