The remedy for

The remedy for
The remedy for weakness is not brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength.

Jan, 21 2012     80 chars (1 sms)     663 views       Quotes

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Nevermistake silence for agreement.
Thedeepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
Not work, but the thought that he must work is what makes the lazy man tired.
I know youbelieve you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realizethat what you heard isn't what I meant.
Every advantage has its tax
Believing that soom good can be derived from every event is a better preposition than that everything happens for the best, which is assuredly does not.
Keep inmind that the better you understand what you want and why you want it, thebetter your chances will be of acquiring it.
Livingwith integrity means: not settling for less than what you know you deserve inyour relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speakingyour truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in waysthat are in harmony
Past time is only eviil at a distance.
Talkingcomes by nature, silence by wisdom.
He whohurries cannot walk with dignity.
Never[enter] into dispute or argument with another. I never yet saw an instance ofone of two disputants convincing the other by argument. I have seen many ontheir getting warm, becoming rude and shooting one another.