We mustbe part

We mustbe part
We mustbe part of the general staff at the inception, rather than the ambulancedrivers at the bitter end.

Jan, 21 2012     105 chars (1 sms)     667 views       Quotes

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There are three ways of bearing ills of life: by indifference, by philosophy, and by religion.
In all superstitions wise men follow fools.
Whatlies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to whatlies inside of you.
Life without the Courage is death for slavery.
People who do not believe in miracles are not realist.
Ifthere is any great secret of success in life, it lies in the ability to putyourself in the other person’s place and to see things from his point of view as well as your own.
Bythree methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest;second, imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is thebitterest.
Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power.
My greenthumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to seethings from the plant's point of view.
One whodoes not look ahead remains behind.
First-rate men employ first-rate men; second-rate men employ third-rate men.
Without trust, words become the hollow sound of a woodengong. With trust, words become life itself.