Thefire you kindle

Thefire you kindle
Thefire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him.

Jan, 20 2012     69 chars (1 sms)     668 views       Quotes

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Nothing destroys authority more than the unequal and untimelyinterchange of power stretched too far and relaxed too much.
Few things help an individual more than to placeresponsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him.
Frustration is commonly the difference between what you would like to be and what you are willing to become what you would like to be.
Theconventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
Itmatters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.
Makesure you never, never argue at night. You just lose a good night's sleep, andyou can't settle anything until morning anyway.
True youth is a quality which is acquired only with age.
Alwaysforgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.
Happiness is the art of making a bouquet of those flowers within reach.
Youcannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.
One cannot be precise and still be pure.
It isdifficult to negotiate where neither will trust.