Kindwords do not

Kindwords do not
Kindwords do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

Jan, 21 2012     53 chars (1 sms)     622 views       Quotes

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Conduct is wise or foolish only in reference to its results.
There is something monstrous in commands couched in invented and unfamiliar language, an alien master is the worst of all. The language of the law must not be foreign to the ears of those who are to obey it.
If a man is prodigal, he cannot be truly generous
When aman says that he approves something in principle, it means he hasn't theslightest intention of putting it in practice.
Few things are harder to pus up with than the annoyance of a good example.
Thedeeper the waters are, the more still they run.
You can not do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Long-rangeplanning works best in the short term.
Blessed are they who have nothing to say and who cannot be persuaded to say it.
We gain freedom when we have paid full price for our right to live.
Old men are dangerous; it does not matter to them what is going to happen to the world.
Embracingconflict can become a joy when we know that irritation and frustration canlead to growth and fascination.